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Max Mishler

Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of Toronto

Fellow, Society of Fellows, SOF/Heyman, Columbia University (2016–2017)

Headshot of Max Mishler

Max Mishler received his PhD in History from New York University in 2016. His current book project, The Atlantic Origins of Mass Incarceration: Punishment, Abolition, and Racial Inequality,explores the intertwined history of slave-emancipation and the birth of the modern penitentiary in the Atlantic world. This research has been recognized and supported by the Social Science Research Council, the Council on Library Information Resources, the Institute for Historical Research, and the McNeil Center for Early American Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. Max’s work has appeared in Social Text and New Labor Forum. Prior to graduate school, Max was as an educator at a juvenile correctional facility and spent nearly a decade working as a union organizer with the Service Employees Union, Local 32BJ.