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Opportunities: $150,000 in new grants for GSAS faculty and students


February 28, 2024
Icebergs from above

Incite at Columbia University has launched two new grant programs for GSAS faculty and students. As an interdisciplinary institute, they are accepting applications from all GSAS disciplines and departments.

"Currently, we are particularly interested in the concepts and practices of breakdown and (re)generation across domains of the social and natural worlds. Seemingly stable systems in these worlds appear to be breaking down. Climate breakdown upends how life forms have survived for eons; political breakdown topples post-World War II practices of Western societies and governments; gender breakdown upsets long-established conceptualizations and practices of biologically driven identity formation; epistemic breakdown overturns established ways of learning and knowledge creation."

For GSAS Faculty: The Breakdown/(Re)generation Project

  • Up to $100,000 for Columbia University Arts and Sciences initiatives related to breakdown and (re)generation across the social and natural worlds.
  • Letters of intent (~1,000 words) due March 1, 2024 at 5PM EST.

For GSAS PhD Students: The Incite Doctoral Dissertation Grant

  • Ten $5,000 grants for Columbia Faculty of Arts & Sciences PhD students who recently completed their prospectus.
  • Applications due March 15.

For more information about this funding opportunities, visit the website. Reach out to [email protected] directly with questions about eligibility or proposals.