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Celebrating the Success of 'A New Chapter' [video]


January 4, 2024

Our recent Northern Irish women writers event, in partnership with the Consulate General of Ireland | New York, Glucksman Ireland House (New York University), the Center for Irish Studies (Villanova University), and Global Irish Studies (Georgetown University), was a great success. We welcomed an engaged audience, hosted a brilliant conversation, and are delighted that all three authors have since secured publishing deals in the States.

Official Statement from The Irish Consulate in New York:
Three award-winning Northern Irish women writers, Lucy Caldwell, Jan Carson, and Michelle Gallen, embarked on a five-city tour of the East Coast of the U.S. in November 2022 to discuss the influence of their diverse backgrounds on their writing today, 25 years after the signing of the Good Friday Agreement. The authors read from their works, participated in panels, met students, academics, readers, and the Irish community, and signed books at multiple events at universities, colleges (Columbia University, Georgetown University, Le Moyne College, and Villanova) and consulates in Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Syracuse and Washington D.C. The tour was a great success and highlighted the importance of diverse writing and perspectives on Irish identity and history. Each writer also secured a U.S. publishing deal on the back of the tour.