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Announcing the Public Humanities Graduate Fellowship 2022-2023

Announcements, Public Humanities

March 7, 2022

The Society of Fellows and Heyman Center for the Humanities invite proposals from advanced graduate students throughout the University in support of civically engaged, public-facing scholarship. The year-long fellowship provides workshops in the methods and approaches of the public humanities, mentorship and advice, networking opportunities, and financial support to assist the Fellow in implementing a pubic humanities project of their own design, in partnership with one or more community partners. The skills and experiences afforded by the fellowship are intended to serve scholars who have a record of working with the public as well as those who are starting to explore the public humanities. It is equally valuable for scholars who plan to pursue careers within the academy and those who plan to pursue other paths.

The SOF/Heyman will support, with $4,000 research allowances, the development of four projects proposed by Columbia graduate students for the fellowship competition.


  • Fellows attend fortnightly workshops throughout the academic year aimed at providing them with methodological skills, professional connections, and feedback for the development of their civically-engaged, public-facing projects.
  • Under the guidance of workshop leaders, Fellows develop their projects and work with academic and community-based partners to implement them.
  • Fellows take part in guiding public humanities programming at SOF/Heyman, applying their own skillsets and networks toward ongoing events and initiatives, and presenting their projects in the Building Publics capstone series.

ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must be PhD students at Columbia University.

LEARN MORE: Read about recent Fellows and their projects by visiting the Humanities in Practice website.

TO APPLY: Interested applicants should submit an application by following the guidelines on the Public Humanities Fellowship page by April 22nd, 2022.